In the past, collaborative robots companies primarily made products for assembly lines. This trend is over because today’s bots have better programming. Here are sevens things a bot can do.
Prepare Meals
A bot with proper programming can cook. It will:
- Measure ingredients
- Mix ingredients
- Stir components
- Bake desserts
- Fry food
A team at MIT built a robot for search and rescue missions. This bot is fast like a cheetah; its top speed is 30 miles per hour.
Drones are nimble flying robots. They’re great for
- Causal flights
- Product deliveries
- Aerial shots
- Military surveillance
- Aquatic research along shorelines
Interpret Information Fast
Robots can quickly analyze data for medical workers. For example, a trained bot will read a series of numbers so that an eye doctor can recommend a proper pair of prescription glasses.
Create Music
If you hear a marvelous beat, a bot probably created it. For example, the tunes for were developed by an android.
Train Seniors
Seniors need a lot of attention when they work out. Robots make excellent personal trainers because they can monitor the following
- Blood pressure
- Heart rates
- Pulse rates
- Respiration levels
Advanced robotics technology is the future, and great collaborative robots companies are leading the way.
If you need an automation system for your business, turn to DENSO Robotics.